Best-In-Class Training

Thorough FMLA training ensures all employees understand their roles and responsibilities under the Family and Medical Leave Act. It also significantly reduces the chance of costly tracking errors that could result in fines and litigation.

To streamline FMLA administration, Leave Manager provides ongoing access to expert-curated FMLA training for supervisors and employees, plus a wide range of additional support materials.

Take advantage of:

  • FMLA Training PowerPoint® Presentations
  • Demonstrations
  • Quizzes with Answers
  • Handouts for Employees
  • FMLA Training for Managers
  • Training Certificates
  • Employee FMLA Checklists
  • And more!
Get FREE Training

Did You Know

The average cost of defending an FMLA lawsuit is $80,000.
That's why accurate FMLA tracking is important!

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