4 Areas of Cost Savings by Using LEAVE MANAGER

Realizing that paper files and spreadsheets are no longer efficient for managing employee leave, more and more companies are implementing solutions to improve leave processes. Implementing an online leave management system for tracking FMLA and other employee leave has associated costs, but it is often a short-term expenditure for long-term gain.


Avoid Litigation, Violations, & Fines

The risk of non-compliance with federal and state leave laws is real.

Schedule & Track Intermittent Leave

Manually tracking intermittent FMLA leave can be difficult and lead to FMLA leave abuse if not administered correctly.

Generate Reports to Identify Trends & Abuse

In conjunction with understanding the laws and having a clear FMLA policy, closely monitoring leave patterns can help curb abuse.

Get Answers to Tough Compliance Questions

Understanding the laws is a top challenge for HR professionals when administering FMLA and other leave.
