Employee Center

Streamline the employee leave process even further with Leave Manager’s Employee Center, included with your subscription. Employees and administrators can communicate and manage tasks more easily than ever before in this central hub.

When employees log in, they can:

  • Make leave requests directly to the administrator
  • View all active and pending leave requests
  • Receive messages and documents from the administrator
  • Send messages and documents to the administrator
  • Track leave time balances across all leave requests
  • And more

The Employee Center provides a secure, automated channel for simplifying employee leave management while allowing administrators to retain complete control of the process.

Administrators approve unique employee logins to the Employee Center, providing them secure access to their specific leave files. Employees can then perform required tasks inside the platform while the administrator retains total oversight of all sensitive data.

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Did You Know

The average cost of defending an FMLA lawsuit is $80,000.
That's why accurate FMLA tracking is important!

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