Full-time employees would be guaranteed two weeks of paid leave under a new federal bill. The Protected Time Off (PTO) Act, a bill recently introduced in Congress (HR 7752/S4003) would, if passed, require all employers with at least one employee in the current or preceding calendar year to comply.
Employees could use the leave for any reason and employers could not require employees to disclose the reason. Employers would need to give new hires information about the leave, include the information in an employee handbook, and post a related notice.
As written, the bill also includes the following:
This bill is only in the first of legislative steps. Similar bills have been introduced in the past but did not get enacted. While this measure has little chance of becoming law, it is another illustration of the paid leave trend.
Key to Remember: If enacted, employers would need to give employees two weeks of paid time off for any reason.
This article was written by Darlene M. Clabault, SHRM-CP, PHR, CLMS, of J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. The content of these news items, in whole or in part, MAY NOT be copied into any other uses without consulting the originator of the content.
The J. J. Keller LEAVE MANAGER service is your business resource for tracking employee leave and ensuring compliance with the latest Federal and State FMLA and leave requirements.